Raccoon Removal in Myrtle Beach and Surrounding Areas
Raccoons are also nocturnal animals with the distinctive striped tail and “bandit” masked face. Like the Opossum, they are increasingly being found in urban areas raiding garbage cans and pet food left out on patios and porches. During the Spring (March-August), raccoons will also be found in attics with their new babies. The Snake Chaser has proven techniques for safely removing raccoons from your home. The Snake Chaser can also handle all waste removal and property damage associated with raccoons and nests in homes and buildings.
Mammals of all shapes and sizes can be found throughout everyconceivable habitat here along the Grand Strand and Inland Areas swamps and farms, as well as oceans and shores. As we grow in human population, we encroach on these natural habitats, finding ourselves face-to-face with wildlife that can sometimes affect our happy lives.